Grass Snake project Wuppertal, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany


In former times the Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) lived in and near river-valleys. It's living space expanded enormously since the end of the migration of nations in the 6th century by deforestration for agriculture and cattle breeding.
In spite of regional persecution the Grass Snake was found frequently in the 19th century. During that time it used farms, cellars, stables and dung-heaps for egg-deposition and hibernation. Since the middle of our century intense negative changes took place like building on large areas, change of cultivation methods, regulation and contamination of rivers.

In overcrowded urban regions today there only remains the possibility of creating and equipping habitat spaces according to the necessities of the Grass Snake, as far as known, in order to compensate the negative influences.

Summary from:  Eckstein, H.-P. [1993]. Lebensraumveränderungen und Schutz der Ringelnatter im Bergischen Land - In: Gruschwitz, Kornacker, Podloucky, Völkl & Waitzmann (Ed.): Mertensiella, vol.. 3, Verbreitung, Ökologie und Schutz der Schlangen Deutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete, Bonn: 199-210 p.

Last Update 24.12.2000